Shaping Our Identity — Unleashing the Power of Our Community

SHAPE NAC 2023 will help you explore the fundamental questions of self-discovery, personal and professional growth, and how your identify as a Shaper impacts your world and the Global Shaper Community. The main objective of this event is to have our region tap into the power of connection, and fuel a new chapter for our North American and Caribbean Shaper community after the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Shaping My Identity: Who am I as a Shaper?

    • Understanding the journey of individuals and their unique identities and the factors that shape them will be the primary focus for Day 1. After arriving and settling in, participants will discuss key themes like cultural influences, personal experiences, and the role of education in shaping their sense of self and how these factors model their involvement within our community and impact projects.

  2. Shaping my Community: Who are the Global Shapers?

    • Day 2 of the conference focuses on the impact that individual identity can have on communities. It examines the ways in which community engagement and active participation can lead to positive transformation. Key discussions include social responsibility, civic engagement, and the role of leadership in shaping a thriving community.

  3. My Commitment as a Global Shaper (to me, to my community, to the world).

    • The final segment, “My Commitment as a Global Shaper,” centers on the role of global citizens in effecting change on a larger scale. By tapping into the juxtaposition of Washington, D.C. as a city, mirrored by the hyper-localized yet international nature of the Shapers, it addresses the responsibilities and challenges of being a part of a global community and explores how we can contribute to social, economic, and environmental progress. Participants will explore strategies for collaboration, networking, and creating sustainable solutions to global issues.